20 Years of HITCON:Mind Meld Hacker Spirit from Human to AI
This year, HITCON celebrates its 20th anniversary. Over the two decades since its inception as an underground gathering to becoming Taiwan's premier annual cybersecurity conference, it has fostered a rich and vibrant global security community. This journey has witnessed the emergence of new technologies such as smart devices, cloud computing, and cyber warfare. In recent years, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about technological breakthroughs in information security. As we integrate AI into hackers' daily tasks, the issue of alignment arises. How to make AI understand users' goals and values to appropriately address problems is a significant challenge, which also raises many security and privacy-related issues. How to "mind meld" AI with the hacker spirit, guiding AI to understand security and learn privacy-related concepts, is a crucial component in the future application of AI in cybersecurity.
Event Details
- Venue: Venue: Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, 2nd Floor, Multifunctional Exhibition Hall (No. 133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei)
- Date: 2023/11/15
- Organizers: Taiwan Hacker Association (HIT), CHROOT